Saturday 23 June 2012

Membership Dues, 70th Anniversary, Mame Schedule, Christmas Concert

                         Membership Fees are Due:
This is just a reminder that your membership fees are due on or before Sept.1st. You may mail your cheque (made out to “Clarkson Music Theatre”) for your single membership ($30) or family membership ($40). The Clarkson address is listed below:
Clarkson Music Theatre Inc,
Churchill Pharmacy Postal Outlet
Churchill Plaza, Box 26007
Mississauga, Ontario, L5L 5S3

If you are coming out for Mame or The Christmas Concert, you may make your payment at your first rehearsal when you pick up your music material.

If your contact info has changed, please download a blank “Membership Profile” from the red “DOWNLOAD FORMS” section of the website and return with your membership payment.

Clarkson is Almost 70 Years Old!

It’s almost time to start thinking about celebrating our amazing 70 years of Music Theatre Achievement. If you would like to be a part of the 70th Anniversary CMT Organization Committee, please contact us using the button on the website.

Mame Cast members can expect to receive their rehearsal schedules sometime in late July. We look forward to working with our dynamic Artistic Team: Danny Harvey, Bob Hardinge, and Julie Gallie.  See you at our first rehearsal, August 20th at Christ Church.

Yes, the rumours are true… Clarkson is pleased to bring back “The Christmas Concert”, under the able music direction of our own Ruth McDonald.  As you know, CMT is pleased to offer this free concert at several Senior Centres in the Mississauga Community.  So, if you aren’t in Mame, are itching to keep singing Music, are attracted by the easy rehearsal commitment of just once a week, then this is the concert for you.  Stay tuned for more news on when Fall Practice begins.

Thursday 21 June 2012

CMT AGM June 20, 2012

Elizabeth Amos receives the Clarkson Performing Arts Award

 The Annual Clarkson Music Theatre Scholarship for the Performing Arts was presented to Elizabeth Amos.  Elizabeth’s experience on stage began when she was ten in Annie and she was seen most recently as Belle in Beauty and the Beast. She is a worthy recipient of the award as demonstrated in the following highlights: she is involved in classical music; has her Grade 8 RCM; she was a Silver Medalist for the highest mark in Ontario; she has taught music; she directs at summer children’s music theatre camp; and she graduated with honours from Cawthra Park School of the Arts. The winner of this year’s Scott Sheperd Emerging Artist, she continues to seek opportunities to improve her skills in the performing arts. We wish her luck in her future studies at Brock University as she continues her study of drama.
This year has been filled with highlights for Clarkson, with financially successful and well received productions of Hairspray, Broadway Then and Now, the Annual Christmas Concert. We look forward to continued success with this year’s production of Mame. We also are pleased to announce our 2013 show selection – the Meadowvale Premiere of “Legally Blonde”.

Margo Timmons, Leslie Carney, Rita Ferguson, Judy Manley at the AGM

Rita Ferguson was pleased to recognize the following for their work this year with Clarkson: Leslie Carney, Judy Manley, Ruth McDonald, Margo Timmons and Jack Travis.  CMT owes a debt of gratitude to volunteers such as these listed.

The following board directors were elected by acclamation: Rita Ferguson (returning President), Christine McMahon (VP Production), Susan Wray (VP Finance), Nick Forrow (VP Administration).  Chris Waldron was welcomed as VP Marketing. Remaining Board Directors include: Dennis Sunga (Treasurer)and Chris Filippelli (Secretary), Jenny Peace (Resident Music Director, Margo Timmons (Fundraising), Jim Allan (member at large).

In conclusion, Clarkson Music Theatre continues to successfully create quality performance while giving back to the community. With the help of our loyal audience and our faithful membership, we look forward to another banner year in this, our sixty seventh year of entertaining Mississauga.

Thursday 14 June 2012


November 16, 17, 22, 23, 24 @ 8 p.m.
November 18, 24, 25 @ 2 p.m. 2012 
at Meadowvale Theatre

                                  Rita Ferguson, Christine McMahon, Jenny Peace

                                  Artistic Team           
Danny Harvey                     
Music Director: Bob Hardinge 
Choreographer: Julie Gallie               
Stage Manager: Glenn Pringle 

Design Team           
Set Design: Bruce Brown
Costumes: Alex Amini
Lights: Tristan Tidswell
Sound: Greg Salisbury 
Rehearsal Pianist: Robin Dalgleish 
Props: Chris Filippelli, Karen Simpson,  Rhonda Keyes

The Production Team proudly announces the Cast of Mame.  
Our Cast of 40 actors includes these principals:
Young Patrick
Mackenzie Faulkner
Agnes Gooch
Katie Westrope
Christine McMahon
Mame Dennis
Leslie Carney
Mark Jones
Dwight Babcock
Don Berns
Madame Branislowski, Mother Burnside
Bobbie Flatt
Derek Falconer
Mother Burnside
Bobbbie Flatt
Sally Cato
Elizabeth Stinson
Older Patrick
Chris Waldron
Mrs. Upson
Rita Ferguson
Mr. Upson
Paul Berdusco
Gloria Upson
Daniela Lipovetzky
Pegeen Ryan
Kat Cordi

"You came, you saw, you conquered, and absolutely nothing is the same. Your special fascination will prove to be inspirational, we think you're just sensational Mame..."