Wednesday 17 December 2014

Christmas Cheer the Clarkson Way!

CMT is extremely proud of our members who gave of their time and talent to offer the gift of music to many senior centres in the Mississauga area. Thanks especially to our music director Ruth McDonald, and our producer Liz Allan. CMT extends a very warm Merry Christmas Wish to all our members, audiences, and friends out there. We look forward to celebrating our 70th anniversary next year with lots of music and events... Stay tuned!

Friday 5 December 2014

Congratulations to the cast and team of Young Frankenstein. You closed to rave reviews from your audiences. You did Clarkson proud! 

Kudos also to our valiant Christmas Cheer Choir who are midway in their run to over nine senior centres in the Mississauga area. You are bringing joy to the world - or at least a small corner of it! Thanks for sharing your time and talent!

As we move forward, plans are under way to plan our exciting Celebrations of Clarkson Music Theatre's 70th Anniversary. invitations for this event are are being prepared. We just want to make sure you get your invite, so if your contact info or mailing address have changed, please contact us through this website so we can update our files.

Remember to email for your audition slot for the 70th Anniversary Concert. Auditions are Jan.25 and Feb.1. Rehearsals are Wednesdays and Fridays beginning March 4th. Under the direction of Anthony Bastianon. Performance at Eden United Church April 24 and 25.

Finally, it's time to celebrate the friendships we've made and the music we've shared in the Clarkson tradition. You are invited to the Clarkson Music Theatre Wine and Cheese Open House, held at the Carney Home on Tuesday, December 30th at 7:30. Contact us through our website for address info and to rsvp so we can have suitable refreshments available.

Last, the Board extends its deep gratitude to our membership, our audiences and all those who have been involved in the wonderful music shared this year, from "ya Gotta Dream" to "Young Frankenstein" to "The Christmas Cheer Choir". Looking forward to another great year ahead to share with you all.


Monday 24 November 2014

Young Frankenstein and Christmas Cheer. HO HO HO

Congratulations to the cast of Young Frankenstein who gave it their all this opening weekend. Standing O Audiences, newspaper articles and Ontario Arts Review acknowledge that this show is not to be missed!  Be sure to get your tickets at or call the box office at 905-615-4720. Nov.27 - 30.

We are also very proud of our Christmas Cheer Choir that has worked since September on their program. If you have a chance to drop in, do so to see our wonderful CMT reps go into senior centres in the Mississauga area sharing the music of the season. Thanks to Music Director Ruth McDonald, Producer Liz Allan and the choir  for all their hard work.
Nov.28 - 1:30 p.m. at Alzheimer Society of Peel, 60 Briarwood, Port Credit.
Dec.2 -    2 p.m. at Walden Circle, 1907 Lakeshore Road West, Clarkson
Dec.3 -    1:30 p.m. at Sr. Life Enhancement, 2030 Bristol Circle.
Dec.5 -    2 p.m. at The Granary in Oakville
Dec. 8 -    6:30 p.m. at The Wenleigh, 2065 Leanne Blvd.
Dec.12 -   2:30 p.m. at Sheridan Villa, Truscot Dr.
Dec.13 -   2 p.m. Post Inn, Oakville
Dec.15 - 7 p.m. at Evergreen, 820 Scollard
Dec.16 - 2 p.m. at Cawthra Senior Centre

Finally, please look for a notice that will be sent out to CMT past and present members outlining Information regarding our upcoming 70th Anniversary Concert. Auditions will be Jan.25 and Feb.1st Performances April 24 and 25. If you wish a copy, please send a request through our website.

Saturday 15 November 2014

One Week till we Open Young Frankenstein at Meadowvale Theatre Nov.21 - 30

Be sure to check out our recent interview with Rogers 10 Live, featuring your president and producer Rita Ferguson, Maria De Palma (Frau Blucher) and Darryl Burton (Dr. Frederick Frankenstein) from our upcoming show, Young Frankenstein. Have you got your tickets yet? 905-615-4720 or

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Young Frankenstein ready to hit the stage!

Clarkson Music Theatre proudly presents Mel Brooks' "Young Frankenstein" at Meadowvale Theatre Nov.21 - 30. Be sure to get your seats now as tickets are going fast. The cast is extraordinary, the production values dazzling, the comedy non-stop!  What better way to brighten your day? It's monstrously funny...

Monday 3 November 2014

Clarkson Music Theatre is welcoming applications for the role of Director and Choreographer for our upcoming fall show at Meadowvale Theatre, Hello Dolly, which celebrates CMT's 70 years of entertaining Mississauga. To book an interview, please reply to or Interviews will be conducted the second week in December, most probably on Tuesday December 16th. Venue tba.

Sunday 7 September 2014

AGM Reminder, Membership, Arts Scholarship Winner, the CMT 70th Anniversary Year

Clarkson Members are invited to our Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday Sept. 19th at Christ Church, at 7:30. The Board looks forward to providing an update on the year, validating our board members, reviewing financials, learning of upcoming special events for our 70th Anniversary, and welcoming our newest 25 Year Lifetime Members: Jack Travis, Joyce Valentine, and Rita Ferguson (all of whom started with CMT in 1989 for Oliver).

Membership Renewal
You are reminded that membership fees are now due. You may mail your membership to our post office box at Clarkson Music Theatre Inc, Churchill Pharmacy Postal Outlet, Churchill Plaza, Box 26007, Mississauga, L5L 5S3. Membership dues are the same as last year: $30 for Individuals and $40 for family membership.

CMT Performing Arts Scholarship Winner
The Board of CMT was pleased to present the CMT Performing Arts Scholarship to Kimberley Diana Ross at our August Board Meeting. Kimberley will be attending Concordia University, studying Music Therapy. Her proud family came to the presentation ceremony where she received her scholarship of $1,000. We wish Kimberley well in her future studies. Congratulations Kimberley!
President Rita Ferguson, Scholarship Winner Kimberley Ross and Nick Forrow (VP Administration)

CMT Board Members award the CMT Performing Arts Scholarshp to Kimberley Ross (centre)

The Ross Family

Young Frankenstein
Young Frankenstein rehearsals are well under way under the fine leadership of Bob Riddell and Jenny Peace. Producers Rita Ferguson, Christine McMahon and Nick Forrow are very proud of this team and our great cast of talented and comedic actors. Be sure to get your tickets at or call the Meadowvale Box Office at 905-615-4720 for our November performances.

CMT Celebrates 70 Years.
Stay tuned to the website to learn more of exciting events coming up to celebrate Clarkson Music Theatre's 70th year of entertaining Mississauga. The Spring Concert will feature special selections from past shows and will be held at Eden United Church on April 24th - 25th. . The Special Anniversary Gala Event will be held at Christ Church (where it all began) on May 2nd. Details on how to get your tickets will be posted shortly.

Monday 30 June 2014

Welcome to the Cast of Young Frankenstein

With great pride, we welcome the cast and team of Young Frankenstein.
Producers: Rita Ferguson, Christine McMahon, Nick Forrow, Susan Wray Toogood (associate)
Director / Choreographer: Bob Riddell
Music Director: Jenny Peace
Stage Manager: Glenn Pringle / Rehearsal Pianist: Robin Dalgleish / ASM's: Denise Florin, Debbie Roose
Designers: Bruce Brown (set), Scenic Painter (Christine McMahon), Alex Amini (Costumes), Lights (Jim Smagata), Sound (Greg Salisbury), Props (Chris Filippelli, Christine McMahon,  Karen Simpson, Rita Ferguson, Ewa Lesiak, Susan Wray Toogood), Chris Stolz and Sharon Zehavi (special effects / projections)

Cast List Young Frankenstein

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein          Darryl Burton
The Monster                                Reid Mowat
Igor                                             Steve Kirk
Inga                                             Karen Chorney
Frau Blucher                                Maria De Palma
The Hermit                                  Brian Wray
Dr. Victor Von Frankenstein        Michael Sumbler
Ziggy                                           Nick Sabetti


Kristen Amy
Genevieve Lamb
Laura Moniz
Laura Parker
Barb Slater
Diane Spence
Kristina Testa
Paul Berdusco
Santiago Garcia
Don Montgomery
Dylan Roose
*Michael Sumbler
Dennis Sunga

 Judy Bikas
Maria Dimperio
Rita Ferguson
Bobbie Flatt
Joanne Hines
Christine McMahon       
Mary Lynn Merklinger  
Theresa Morris
Catherine Seguin
Karen Simpson
Susan Wray Toogood
 Jon Dobbin
Jawon Mapp
Brendan McDowell
Jerzy Maj
Christopher Parke
Kevin Roose
*Nick Sabetti
Derek Thorpe

*Brian Wray

Thursday 29 May 2014

Young Frankenstein Auditions next week!

Looking forward to auditions next week for Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein, presented by CMT. Members in good standing have till the end of May to reserve their spot in the ensemble. There's lots of opportunity to dance, be a Transylvanian villager, or haunt Frankenstein's dreams (to name a few). Audition times are filling up fast for June 2,3,4. Call backs June 7th. Be sure to email for an audition time!

Monday 12 May 2014

Frankenstein Info / Clean Up of our Set Building Facility / Fundraising

Hello Clarkson friends. First, a huge congrats to our cast who were truly inspiring in our spring concert "ya Gotta Dream". Outstanding performances one and all - truly reflective of our Marty Award!

If you are interested in our Fall Show - Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein - please come out to our Info Night at Christ Church on May 14th. Members in good standing must send an email by May 30th to or to to confirm your wish to join the cast. Cast members must be able to attend all rehearsals (Monday and Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoon from Sept.3). Details on auditions and rehearsals are enclosed in the revised Info Package available upon request or at the Info night. Auditions are June 2/3 with call backs June 7th.

Our Annual clean up of the Tannery build facility is May 24 from 9 am to 12 noon. Please plan on helping out with this community effort to bring our building facility back to set building condition. Many hands make light work. Volunteers do what they can (from sweeping, to sorting to dismantling). Come suitably clothed and with work gloves.

If you are able to help with our major fund-raising (Bingo and Rama Gaming Centre), please respond to this email and we will send you the details. This fundraising is the means by which we can producer our quality shows, and contribute funds to local charities.

Thank you one and all for all you do to make Clarkson Music Theatre one of the most vibrant community theatre groups in all of Mississauga!!!

Thursday 8 May 2014

Your Board is very happy to announce to our friends and family that Clarkson Music Theatre has been recognized with the prestigious Marty - for "Performing Arts Group Established 2014". We are gratified to have your hard work and consistent excellence on stage recognized by your community. The Award is dedicated to all members past and present who have worked so hard (from 1945 to the present) to make CMT what it is today. Be sure to come out to the "Ya Gotta Dream" Concert to see the hand-crafted award (especially designed for this award ceremony) which Rita Ferguson received from the Mississauga Arts Council on behalf of Clarkson. Congratulations to all. See you this weekend (May 9 and 10 at Eden United Church) to continue the joyous celebration through song!

Saturday 5 April 2014

Hey Blondies. Congrats to the Legally Blonde team who were recognized by 4 nominations and a couple of outstanding awards at tonight's ACTCO Ball. There were 18 musicals in all, so even to be recognized with a nomination is an indication of incredible excellence!
We congratulate: 
Huge congrats to Bruce Brown for his win in Best Set Design!!! This award is as much a recognition of his skill with design as it is of building, and of managing a great team of builders. Kudos to all friends and cast who pulled together to make the set a reality! Bruce - your Thea awaits you!

Second HUGE congrats goes to our own Renee Beiforte, who was not only nominated for Best Choreographer, but who won Best Director of a Musical. Like OMG, this award is so deserving of a powerhouse leader of her cast and crew!

Other nominations earned by Clarkson's Legally Blonde include:
  • Heidi Cyfko - Best Performance for a female supporting role nomination
  • Jenny Peace - Best Music Director nomination
  • Emilie Westbrooke - Best Female in a leading role - nomination

Here's to our Encore brothers and sisters who were recognized for the following (apologies if we didn't get the name as it was a fast night - but we did want to send our congrats!):

TU - Annie - 
  • Light nomination, 
  • Linda Amos for Costume nomination, 
  • Best Music Director for Jan Stapleton, 
  • Best Choreo - Ginny Metcalfe nomination, 
  • Best female in a lead role nomination for "Annie" 
  • Best Stage Manager nomination Aaron Smaller, 
  • nominated for Best Musical Production, 
CCMP - Jesus Christ Superstar 
  • supporting role male nomination(Simon), 
  • light design nomination, 
  • Sound design nomination (Greg Salisbury), 
  • Best Performance Male Jesus Christ Superstar - Chris Ning- nomination, 
  • Best stage manager nomination (Glenn Pringle)
  • Adjudicators Award for Ensemble
MMT - Secret Garden - 
  • Amanda Dwyer (Martha) supporting female nomination, 
  • Sound design nomination (David Brown), 
  • Best Female nomination Erica Harvey (lily), 
  • Best Musical Production nomination

There's still another opportunity to celebrate the artistry of the season. Don't forget to email or for your tickets to the MTM Encore Celebration of Artistry on May 2nd at the Irish Club. (Details were posted earlier).

Well Done Encore Series Family!!!
Hey Blondies. OMG you guys! One of the premier events of the season is upon us - Some 20 Blondies will attend tonight's ball to honour the best of this season's community theatre in Ontario... The results of the ACTCO Gala (aka - who won what), will be posted on our website and on Facebook. Keep your fingers crossed and think pink!  

Awards will continue in the Encore family on May 2nd when we change it up with venue and style. The Annual Celebration of Artistry will honour the best of the Encore Season on May 2nd at THE IRISH CLUB!!! The atmosphere will be more informal (but no jeans - business casual). Doors open at 7, awards start at 8, party continues to "whatever". The bar will await you to toast your successes and drown your sorrows. There will be Karaoke after the awards, and we plan to party till the wee hours of the morning. Get your $20 tickets for this event by emailing or We hope to be well represented. Advance tickets only as seating is limited.

So whether you were a designer, or a performer or a cheerer - let's get "serious" our "Delta Nus" and help us get "What you Want" or there will be "blood in the water" - "Positively". By the way, how cool is it or what that we celebrate (not in Malibu or "Harvard") but in "Ireland"'s pub???  It will be "So much better", cause we've "found our way" and "bent and snapped", and got "whipped into shape" to return to "the scene of the crime".  So whether you want to "take it like a man" or not, help us all get "legally blonde" one more time!!!

Awards results for tonight up soon!

Friday 28 February 2014

Looking ahead to Young Frankenstein

Clarkson Music Theatre presents: Young Frankenstein

Meadowvale Theatre: Nov.21, 22, 27, 28, 29 (8 pm) / Nov.23, 29, 30 (2 p.m.)
Information Night: May 14, 2014 at Christ Church (1700 Mazo Cres.)/ Gym

Producers:               Rita Ferguson, Christine McMahon, Nick Forrow / Assistant Producer: Susan Wray Toogood
Artistic Team:         Director/ Choreographer: Bob Riddell / Music Director: Jenny Peace / Stage Manager: Glenn Pringle
Rehearsal Dates:    Monday (7:30 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.), Wednesday (7:30 p.m. –10:30 p.m.)/Saturday (10 am – 4 p.m.)
August     25, 27, 30 (principals and dancers only)
September 3(read through), 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 27, 29 
October 1,  4, 6,  8,  11,  15,  18,  20,  22,  25,  27,  29
November 1, 3, Tues.4 (Costume Parade), 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 / Move In: Nov.16 – Tech Week – Nov.17 – 20)
Rehearsal Venue:   Christ Church (1700 Mazo Crescent. Unless otherwise notified) – rooms 1 / gym
Book by Mel Brooks and Thomas Meehan and Music and Lyrics by Brooks.
Original direction and choreography by Susan Stroman
Loosely inspired by Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, this musical is based on the 1974 Mel Brooks film of the same name. A parody of the horror film genre, this hilarious take on the original monster film uses every corny joke in the book, and then some. The story follows bright young Dr. Frankenstein (that’s Fronkensteen) as he attempts to complete his grandfather’s masterwork and bring a corpse to life, with hilarious complications. The new Mel Brooks Musical Young Frankenstein is a scientifically proven, monstrously good entertainment – and the only place you’ll witness a singing and dancing laboratory experiment in the largest tuxedo ever made!

The Ensemble - Clarkson members in good standing must contact Rita Ferguson ( ) or Christine McMahon ( ) by May 30th in order to hold their place in the ensemble.  Non Clarkson members must audition for a place in the ensemble.
Principal Roles - Those trying out to audition for a principal role may sign up after April 1st by emailing Rita Ferguson at  . Auditions will be held June 2 and June 3 with call backs June 7. Please prepare a one minute memorized comic monologue.  Use established theatre works only – no self written pieces.  You will sing a song (verse and chorus only) in the style of the show. Bring accompanist music suitably bound in a binder. All those auditioning for a principal role will be required to attend a movement workshop at 8 p.m. on the day of your audition (either before or after your formal audition). Please come suitably dressed for this 20 minute workshop with our director / choreographer.
Principal Call Backs: Call Backs are on June 7 at 11 a.m.  All Call backs will be invited by email on June 4/5. (Be sure to leave an accurate email at which you may be reached). Principal call backs will sing a song from Young Frankenstein  (scanned music will be sent to you  via email on June 4 but applicants can prepare ahead of time by noting which songs will be required – this info will be provided by Jenny Peace at the Info Night May 14th). You will also do a cold reading with other prospective candidates. 
The Dance Corps: A forty five minute Dance Audition will be held from 10 to 11 am on Saturday, June 7 for those trying out to be a member of the principal dance corps. You do not need to be called back to do the dance audition for the dance corps. However, you must have gone through the audition process. Bring a lunch if you are doing both a dance audition and a call back. The Dance Corps will consist of 6-8 females and 2-4 men who will be featured in dance numbers.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein  - Male, 30 – 45 years old , Range Bb2 – G4 – BASS BARITONE
The eccentric grandson of an infamous mad scientist. He is the Dean of Anatomy at New York’s best university.

The Monster Male – 30 – 40 years old, Range D3 – Bb4 – HIGH BARITONE
The large, misunderstood creation of Frederick . A hopeless romantic.

Igor  - Male, 30 – 45 years old, Range C3 – G4 – HIGH BARITONE
Frederick’s faithful, bright-eyed servant.
Inga – Female 20 – 30 years old, Range G#3 – A5 – MEZZO SOPRANO
The not-so-bright assistant to Frederick. Young and Sexy.

Elizabeth Benning – Female 30 – 40 years old, Range F#3 – F5 – MEZZO SOPRANO
Self loving, naïve, boisterous fiancée of Frederick.

Frau Blucher Female, 50 – 65 years old, Range E3 – B4 - ALTO
The proud housekeeper of the Frankenstein estate. Intense and stern.

Inspector Hans Kemp – Male, 40 – 50 years old, Range A2 – F4 – BASS BARITONE
The justice – driven, protective, steadfast town inspector.

The Hermit – Male, 35 – 55 years old, Range A2 – Db4 - BASS
The lonely, poor, blind town hermit.

Dr. Victor Von Frankenstein – Male, 55 – 65 years old, Range B2 – F4 - BASS
Frederick’s infamous grandfather and creator of the original monster.  A Proud and stubborn man.

Ziggy – Male, 20 – 35 years old, Range B3 – E4 - BARITONE
The well-intentioned village idiot.

Barbershop Quartet
Ensemble: Gravediggers, Villagers, Medical Students, Passengers, Mad Scientists. (There are several spoken parts which will be distributed to cast at the read through on Sept.3rd. SATB REQUIRED)
Musical Numbers

Act I
-          “The Overture” – Orchestra
-          “The Happiest Town in Town” – Kemp and Villagers
-          “The Brain” – Frederick and students
-          “Please Don’t Touch Me” – Elizabeth and Voyageurs
-          “Together Again (for the first time)” – Frederick and Igor
-          “Roll in the Hay” – Inga, Frederick, and Igor
-          “Join the Family Business” – Victor, Frederick, Ancestors
-          “He Vas My Boyfriend” – Frau Blucher
-          “The Law” – Kemp and Villagers
-          “Life, Life” – Frederick, Igor, Inga, Blucher
-          “Welcome to Transylvania” – Transylvania Quartet
-          “Transylvania Mania – Igor, Frederick, Inga, Kemp, Villagers

Act II
-          “He’s Loose” – Kemp and Villagers
-          “Listen to your Heart” – Inga
-          “Surprise” – Elizabeth, Igor, Blucher, Entourage
-          “Please Send me Someone” – the Hermit
-          “Man about Town” – Frederick
-          “Puttin’ on the Ritz” – Frederick, the Monster, Inga, Igor, Ensemble
-          “Deep Love” – Elizabeth
-          “Frederick’s Soliloquy” – Frederick
-          “Deep Love” (Reprise) – the Monster
-          “Finale Ultimo” – the Company

v  All Young Frankenstein Cast Members will contribute ten hours of volunteer time in one or some of the following areas: set build, set paint, marketing, and /or fundraising.
v  Clarkson Performing Membership Fees $30 Single Membership / $40 Family Membership

Thank you for your interest in Clarkson Music Theatre’s Young Frankenstein. See you at Auditions!

Thursday 30 January 2014

Ya Gotta Dream in rehearsal and upcoming events

Greetings from the cast of Ya Gotta Dream... 
Rehearsals are well under way for "Ya Gotta Dream". Our music will uplift you just as we hope this picture does as we support Alison Salinas in her awareness campaign for cervical cancer. Yeah Ali!

Be sure to set aside dates May 9 and 10 for this amazing show, with music that ranges from the Hallelujah chorus to Michael Jackson's Head the World. We want to set your dreams afire!
On another note, stay tuned for details regarding our upcoming fall production of Young Frankenstein. Info Night is set for May 14, with auditions planned June 2-4 and Call backs June 7th (at Christ Church - 1700 Mazo Cres)... Full details will be posted the beginning of March. Wouldn't you like to be "puttin on the ritz" with Clarkson Music Theatre?

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Ya Gotta Dream is coming

Don't miss this special concert, featuring almost 50 voices, and songs from classic rock to classic classic. These are songs that inspire and celebrate. They will have you believing as we celebrate our long awaited spring. Come dream with us! Tickets are only $20 and are available at the door. Eden United Church. May 9 (7:30 p.m.) and May 10 (2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.).