Friday 28 February 2014

Looking ahead to Young Frankenstein

Clarkson Music Theatre presents: Young Frankenstein

Meadowvale Theatre: Nov.21, 22, 27, 28, 29 (8 pm) / Nov.23, 29, 30 (2 p.m.)
Information Night: May 14, 2014 at Christ Church (1700 Mazo Cres.)/ Gym

Producers:               Rita Ferguson, Christine McMahon, Nick Forrow / Assistant Producer: Susan Wray Toogood
Artistic Team:         Director/ Choreographer: Bob Riddell / Music Director: Jenny Peace / Stage Manager: Glenn Pringle
Rehearsal Dates:    Monday (7:30 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.), Wednesday (7:30 p.m. –10:30 p.m.)/Saturday (10 am – 4 p.m.)
August     25, 27, 30 (principals and dancers only)
September 3(read through), 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 27, 29 
October 1,  4, 6,  8,  11,  15,  18,  20,  22,  25,  27,  29
November 1, 3, Tues.4 (Costume Parade), 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 / Move In: Nov.16 – Tech Week – Nov.17 – 20)
Rehearsal Venue:   Christ Church (1700 Mazo Crescent. Unless otherwise notified) – rooms 1 / gym
Book by Mel Brooks and Thomas Meehan and Music and Lyrics by Brooks.
Original direction and choreography by Susan Stroman
Loosely inspired by Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, this musical is based on the 1974 Mel Brooks film of the same name. A parody of the horror film genre, this hilarious take on the original monster film uses every corny joke in the book, and then some. The story follows bright young Dr. Frankenstein (that’s Fronkensteen) as he attempts to complete his grandfather’s masterwork and bring a corpse to life, with hilarious complications. The new Mel Brooks Musical Young Frankenstein is a scientifically proven, monstrously good entertainment – and the only place you’ll witness a singing and dancing laboratory experiment in the largest tuxedo ever made!

The Ensemble - Clarkson members in good standing must contact Rita Ferguson ( ) or Christine McMahon ( ) by May 30th in order to hold their place in the ensemble.  Non Clarkson members must audition for a place in the ensemble.
Principal Roles - Those trying out to audition for a principal role may sign up after April 1st by emailing Rita Ferguson at  . Auditions will be held June 2 and June 3 with call backs June 7. Please prepare a one minute memorized comic monologue.  Use established theatre works only – no self written pieces.  You will sing a song (verse and chorus only) in the style of the show. Bring accompanist music suitably bound in a binder. All those auditioning for a principal role will be required to attend a movement workshop at 8 p.m. on the day of your audition (either before or after your formal audition). Please come suitably dressed for this 20 minute workshop with our director / choreographer.
Principal Call Backs: Call Backs are on June 7 at 11 a.m.  All Call backs will be invited by email on June 4/5. (Be sure to leave an accurate email at which you may be reached). Principal call backs will sing a song from Young Frankenstein  (scanned music will be sent to you  via email on June 4 but applicants can prepare ahead of time by noting which songs will be required – this info will be provided by Jenny Peace at the Info Night May 14th). You will also do a cold reading with other prospective candidates. 
The Dance Corps: A forty five minute Dance Audition will be held from 10 to 11 am on Saturday, June 7 for those trying out to be a member of the principal dance corps. You do not need to be called back to do the dance audition for the dance corps. However, you must have gone through the audition process. Bring a lunch if you are doing both a dance audition and a call back. The Dance Corps will consist of 6-8 females and 2-4 men who will be featured in dance numbers.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein  - Male, 30 – 45 years old , Range Bb2 – G4 – BASS BARITONE
The eccentric grandson of an infamous mad scientist. He is the Dean of Anatomy at New York’s best university.

The Monster Male – 30 – 40 years old, Range D3 – Bb4 – HIGH BARITONE
The large, misunderstood creation of Frederick . A hopeless romantic.

Igor  - Male, 30 – 45 years old, Range C3 – G4 – HIGH BARITONE
Frederick’s faithful, bright-eyed servant.
Inga – Female 20 – 30 years old, Range G#3 – A5 – MEZZO SOPRANO
The not-so-bright assistant to Frederick. Young and Sexy.

Elizabeth Benning – Female 30 – 40 years old, Range F#3 – F5 – MEZZO SOPRANO
Self loving, naïve, boisterous fiancée of Frederick.

Frau Blucher Female, 50 – 65 years old, Range E3 – B4 - ALTO
The proud housekeeper of the Frankenstein estate. Intense and stern.

Inspector Hans Kemp – Male, 40 – 50 years old, Range A2 – F4 – BASS BARITONE
The justice – driven, protective, steadfast town inspector.

The Hermit – Male, 35 – 55 years old, Range A2 – Db4 - BASS
The lonely, poor, blind town hermit.

Dr. Victor Von Frankenstein – Male, 55 – 65 years old, Range B2 – F4 - BASS
Frederick’s infamous grandfather and creator of the original monster.  A Proud and stubborn man.

Ziggy – Male, 20 – 35 years old, Range B3 – E4 - BARITONE
The well-intentioned village idiot.

Barbershop Quartet
Ensemble: Gravediggers, Villagers, Medical Students, Passengers, Mad Scientists. (There are several spoken parts which will be distributed to cast at the read through on Sept.3rd. SATB REQUIRED)
Musical Numbers

Act I
-          “The Overture” – Orchestra
-          “The Happiest Town in Town” – Kemp and Villagers
-          “The Brain” – Frederick and students
-          “Please Don’t Touch Me” – Elizabeth and Voyageurs
-          “Together Again (for the first time)” – Frederick and Igor
-          “Roll in the Hay” – Inga, Frederick, and Igor
-          “Join the Family Business” – Victor, Frederick, Ancestors
-          “He Vas My Boyfriend” – Frau Blucher
-          “The Law” – Kemp and Villagers
-          “Life, Life” – Frederick, Igor, Inga, Blucher
-          “Welcome to Transylvania” – Transylvania Quartet
-          “Transylvania Mania – Igor, Frederick, Inga, Kemp, Villagers

Act II
-          “He’s Loose” – Kemp and Villagers
-          “Listen to your Heart” – Inga
-          “Surprise” – Elizabeth, Igor, Blucher, Entourage
-          “Please Send me Someone” – the Hermit
-          “Man about Town” – Frederick
-          “Puttin’ on the Ritz” – Frederick, the Monster, Inga, Igor, Ensemble
-          “Deep Love” – Elizabeth
-          “Frederick’s Soliloquy” – Frederick
-          “Deep Love” (Reprise) – the Monster
-          “Finale Ultimo” – the Company

v  All Young Frankenstein Cast Members will contribute ten hours of volunteer time in one or some of the following areas: set build, set paint, marketing, and /or fundraising.
v  Clarkson Performing Membership Fees $30 Single Membership / $40 Family Membership

Thank you for your interest in Clarkson Music Theatre’s Young Frankenstein. See you at Auditions!