Friday 12 June 2015

Unveiling the cast of Hello, Dolly! and the recipient of the CMT Performing Arts Scholarship

CMT is very pleased and honoured to unveil the names of a tremendously talented group of individuals who honoured us by coming out to be part of the wonderful "Hello, Dolly!”
We look forward to sharing this very special 70th year Anniversary Production with you, our audience!
Dolly Gallagher Levi Jo Kemp
Horace Vandergelder Michael Marando
Cornelius Hackl John Galbraith
Irene Molloy Alix Kingston
Barnaby Tucker Mark Jones
Minnie Fay Alex Clementi 
Ermengarde Laura Carney
Ambrose Kemper Dylan Roose

Female Dancers
Kristen Amy
Judy Bikas
Jaime Lynn Brown
Yvette Ferguson
Kat Kormos
Delta Marando
Eva Nguyen Ly
Diane Spence
Katie Westrope
Female ensemble
Karen Dart
(Mrs. Rose) Rita Ferguson
Bobbie Flatt
Joanne Hines
Arielle Lynn
Christine McMahon
Marlene McMahon
Theresa Morris
Katie Prestage
(Ernestina) Susan Pringle
Karen Simpson
Catherine Villebrun
Male Ensemble
Tim Clahane
Jon Dobbin
(Rudolph Reisenweber) Bob Hardinge
Karl Kwiatkowki
Jerry Mouchian
(Judge) Reid Mowat
Kevin Roose
Derek Thorpe
Kyle Wood
There is still room for two more male ensemble. If you are interested in being considered for male chorus, please contact us through this website, or email
Congrats to Julia De Mola - the recipient of this year's Performing Arts Scholarship for CMT. We look forward to meeting her and her family at Clarkson Music Theatre's AGM - held Friday, Sept.25th - where she will receive her award.

Saturday 9 May 2015

The Celebration of Artistry Awards for the Encore Series 2014 - 2015

The Celebration of Artistry Awards

The Celebration of Artistry for the Meadowvale Theatre Encore Series was a great success. Many shows were recognized for excellence, including our own “Young Frankenstein”.  Here are the results for our November 2014 production:
The following awards were the show awards (each production in the Encore Series receives similar awards).
Best Males – Steve Kirk and Darryl Burton
Best Females – Maria Palma and Karyn Chorney
Best Musical Moment – Karyn Chorney for “Roll in the Hay” and Darryl Burton for “Man About Town”
Best Design: Costumes by Alex Amini
Best Technical Design: Sound by Greg Salisbury
The Susan Horner Award for most Helpful Cast Member– Barb Slater (chosen by the cast)
We were also very pleased to receive the following show awards which were chosen by our adjudicator to reflect excellence in the Encore Series.
Best Stage Manager for the Encore Series– Glenn Pringle
Best Music Director for the Encore Series – Jenny Peace
Best Choreographer for the Encore Series – Bob Riddell
Best Director for the Encore Series – Bob Riddell
Best Show for the Encore Series – Rita Ferguson, Christine McMahon, Nick Forrow (producers) / Bob Riddell Director, Jenny Peace Music Director.

CMT is especially grateful for these acknowledgements of excellence in this - our 70th Anniversary Year. Congratulations to the cast, crew, artistic team and producers of “Young Frankenstein”. 

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Scholarship Deadline / Info Night "Hello, Dolly!"

Clarkson Music Theatre would like to remind our readers of the deadline to submit for the CMT Annual Performing Arts Scholarship. Mississauga resident student graduates who intend to pursue the performing arts (on stage or off) may apply for this one thousand dollar scholarship. Deadline remains May 15th. Due to the recent disruption re job action, the CMT board will consider applicants who do not have an endorsement letter from their teacher. Your references should be acknowledged in your application. Details are on this website.

Info Night for "Hello, Dolly!" is May 13 at Christ Church, 1700 Mazo Crescent. Auditions are May 25/26 with call backs May 28. Contact to book an audition time.

Come join us in this great classical production to help celebrate this 70th Anniversary Year for Clarkson Music Theatre!

Monday 27 April 2015

Annual Clarkson Music Theatre Scholarship 2015

This is just a reminder that the deadline fast approaches for applications to the Annual Clarkson Music Theatre Scholarship - one thousand dollars awarded to a graduating student from secondary who plans on pursuing in some fashion any area of performing arts - on stage or off... in his / her post secondary education. Must be a Mississauga resident. The details on how to apply are on the clarkson website. Pass the word please.  The winning candidate need not be a member of Clarkson Music Theatre, and will be chosen solely on the merits of the application, which will be considered by the Board of Directors at the May board meeting.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Clarkson Celebrates 70 Years of Music and Theatre

We look forward to entertaining Mississauga once again for our spring concert: The 70th Anniversary Concert. Join Us, Won't you... though we are largely sold out... Thanks as always for your support of music to our wonderful family, friends, audience, and Mississauga!!!  April 24 7:30 p.m. and April 25 2 p.m. at Eden United Church, Battleford and Winston Churchill. Only $25 at the door.

Friday 17 April 2015

The 70th Anniversary Concert

Clarkson Music Theatre is so excited to present our 70th Anniversary Concert, April 24 and 25 at Eden United Church, under the direction of Anthony Bastianon. Tickets are almost sold out - rightly so - as this is going to be one of our very best concerts!!!  To learn more about Clarkson Music Theatre and our upcoming year of celebration, check out the following link to a recent Rogers TV 10 Interview about CMT!!

We are so proud of Clarkson's Achievements and our role in the world of Community Theatre! We hope you join us in this year of celebration!!!

Saturday 21 March 2015

The 70th Anniversary Concert

The 70th Anniversary Concert - Eden United Church - April 24 and 25
Don't miss CMT's special concert, celebrating the best of 70 years of Musical Theatre. Directed by Anthony Bastianon, and featuring 58 voices in glorious harmony, members of the Theatre Atoms, and a seven piece orchestra! Tickets are only $25 at the door, with special discounts in March. (contact one of the cast members below for details).
Have an all 'round good time as Clarkson continues its tradition of music excellence. Don't miss CMT's 70TH ANNIVERSARY CONCERT at Eden United Church, 3051 Battleford Road. Producers: Rita Ferguson, Christine McMahon, Margo Timmons

The cast of "The 70th Anniversary Concert" is talented, enthusiastic, and fun; some veterans, others newcomers. No doubt you will recognize many of the principals (see cast list below) who have been in past concerts and seen on the Meadowvale stage.

How to buy tickets:
Tickets for “The 70th Anniversary Concert” are available for purchase by calling 905-828-1933 or 905-829-1546 or inquire to this website

Only two Dates of Performance:
April 24, 7:30 p.m. / April 25, 2 p.m.

Tickets $25 at the door
Early Bird discount available in March –
See one of our cast members for details.

Tickets will sell out fast so get yours today!
Help us Celebrate Clarkson Music Theatre's 70 years of entertaining Mississauga.

Here’s our great cast:

Linda Sage Alexander, Kristen Amy, Judy Bikas, Eleanor Crisell, Mary DiRenzo, Rita Ferguson, Joyce Forth, Jennifer Higgins, Joanne Hines, Rosemarie La Flamme, Pat Mack, Judy Manley, Christine McMahon, Frances Misutka, Theresa Morris, Barb Price, Janet Read, Christine Schubert, Seona Sydor
Liz Allan, Mary Austin, Daniela Barbosa, Allyson Bradley, Jaime Lynn Brown, Leslie Carney, Lorraine Clarkson, Bobbie Flatt, Hazel Gorin, Wynne Hamilton, Monique Langevin, Ruth McDonald, Wilma McNiff, Lesley Montgomery, Barb Slater, Enid Stronach, Susan Wray Toogood, Margo Timmons, Catherine Villebrun
Gerry Bruce, Brandon Chambers, John Galbraith, Brenda Gravelle, Steve Kirk, Reid Mowat, Dylan Roose, Shawn Sosnowski, Brian Toogood
Jim Allan, Derek Faulconer, Dennis Ferguson, Ken Gorin, Ross Hanna, Bob Hardinge, Peter Josselyn, Wilf Langevin, Jerzy Maj, Kevin Roose

Sunday 8 March 2015

Hello, Dolly! Information Night

Hello, Dolly! Information Night

May 13 – 7:30 p.m. @ Christ Church (1700 Mazo Crescent)

Clarkson Music Theatre celebrates its 70th Anniversary year with the great classical musical comedy: Hello, Dolly!  Join us for this special production, filled with timeless songs, grand sets, fabulous costumes, and spectacle galore!  
Director / Choreographer      Michael MacLennan
Music Director                                    Jenny Peace
Producers                                Rita Ferguson, Christine McMahon, Susan Wray, Donnie Morris (associate)
Stage Manager                       Glenn Pringle

Synopsis of Hello, Dolly!!
HELLO, DOLLY! is the story of Mrs. Dolly Gallagher Levi’s efforts to marry Horace Vandergelder, the well-known half-a-millionaire, and to send his money circulating among the people like rainwater (the way her late husband, Ephraim Levi, taught her). Along the way she also succeeds in matching up the young and beautiful Widow Molloy with Vandergelder’s head clerk, Cornelius Hackl; Cornelius’ assistant, Barnaby Tucker, with Mrs. Molloy’s assistant, Minnie Fay; and the struggling artist, Ambrose Kemper, with Mr. Vandergelder’s weeping niece, Ermengarde. Her whirlwind journey takes her from 1898 Yonkers to New York; from Feed Store to Hat Emporium; from the 14th Street Parade to the exclusive Harmonia Gardens; from Jail back to where we began in Yonkers. Dolly’s pure energy and joie de vivre are embraced by all who meet her – town folk, waiters, judges, clients – as she does what she does best – Meddle!

Rehearsal Details and Other Dates:
·         Rehearsal Venue: Christ Church, 1700 Mazo Crescent (Clarkson Road and Truscott, Mississauga)
·         Rehearsals: Monday and Wednesday evenings 7:30 – 10:30 / Saturday afternoons 10 am – 4:00 p.m. Rehearsals begin August 24, 2015 and run as scheduled till we open (no rehearsal Labour Day [Sept.7] or Thanksgiving Day [October 12])
·         Attendance policy – Strictly enforced. Conflicts must be declared at time of Audition.
·         Additional dates: Costume Parade - Tuesday Nov.3 / Cast and Orchestra rehearsals – Sunday Nov.8 / Dark Week Nov.15 – 19 (6 p.m. to 11 p.m.)
·         Presented At Meadowvale Theatre: Nov.20, 21, 26, 27, 28 @ 8 p.m. /Nov.22, 28, 29 @ 2 p.m.

How to Audition: Book your audition by emailing after April 1st, 2015
Auditions are by appointment May 25 and 26 – booked from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Successful candidates will be notified Wednesday May 27 by email for the Call Back on May 28 @ Christ Church. Finalists will sing an appropriate selection from Hello, Dolly!! (titles are listed below) and perform cold readings with various partners.

Audition Requirements: Candidates should prepare one verse and one chorus of a classic Broadway show. Bring accompanist’s music suitably bound in a binder. Some candidates may be asked to do a cold reading. Auditions are in five minute time slots. Candidates will be required to participate in a 20 minute movement workshop. Auditions booked between 7 p.m. to 7:40 and 8 to 8:40 will dance 7:40 to 8 p.m. Auditions booked between 8:40 and 10:30 will dance 9:40 to 10 p.m.

The Ensemble - Clarkson members in good standing must contact Rita Ferguson ( ) or Christine McMahon ( ) by May 10th in order to hold their place in the ensemble.  Non Clarkson members must audition for a place in the ensemble.
Please note:
·        All cast members must be able to move well.
·         Attendance at rehearsals is imperative. You will be required to declare your conflicts for the rehearsal schedule at the time of audition. You may miss no more than three rehearsals.
·         Auditioners will be given first consideration for roles cast from the chorus.
·         Cast members are required to volunteer ten hours toward the production (e.g.: set construction and painting, fund-raising, other).
  • Clarkson Performing Membership Fees $30 Single Membership / $40 Family Membership

Cast of Hello, Dolly!!

·         Mrs. Dolly Gallagher Levi — An indefatigable meddling matchmaker; a widow in her middle years, life-loving, commanding, with a strong stage presence/ Stage age: 35 – 50 stage/ Vocal range : alto - soprano/  Dance ability: some
·         Mrs. Irene Molloy —A beautiful, smart, fun-loving widow; owns a  hat shop in New York City / Stage age: 30 – 35/  Vocal range: soprano/ Dance ability: good to strong
·         Minnie Fay — Irene’s assistant; naïve, straight-laced, fresh, follower/ Stage age: 17 – 20/ Vocal Range:  Mezzo soprano/ Dance Ability: good to strong
·         Ermengarde —Horace Vandergelder’s niece; whining, high-strung, wants to marry Ambrose/ Stage age: 17 – 20/ Any vocal range/ Dance ability: good to strong
·         Ernestina — Accommodating, good time girl/ Stage age: 30 – 45  (cast from chorus)/ Any vocal range / Some dance ability
·         Mrs. Rose: (cast from chorus)/ Stage age:  35 – 60/ Dance ability: some.
·         Horace Vandergelder — Well known half-a-millionaire, widower, proprietor of a hay and feed store in Yonkers, NY and a client of Mrs. Levi’s; gruff, set in his ways, authoritative / Stage age: 40 – 60/  Vocal Range: baritone/ Some dance ability
·         Cornelius Hackl — Vandergelder’s chief clerk;  energetic, enthusiastic, adventurous/ Stage age: 30-35/   Vocal Range: baritone / Dance Ability: good to strong dancer
·         Barnaby Tucker — Assistant to Cornelius at the Feed Store; naïve, energized, follower/ Stage age: 17-20/ Vocal Range:  baritone/ Dance ability: good to strong dancer
·         Ambrose Kemper — A young artist seeking to marry Ermengarde; Good natured, accommodating/ Stage age: 19 – 24/ Vocal Range: tenor/ Dance ability: good to strong
·         Rudy – Maître-d of the Harmonia Gardens Restaurant; (may be cast from chorus) proper, commanding/ Stage age: 40 – 60/ Vocal range: Bass/ Dance ability:  good mover
Chorus Roles (Town Folk, Feed Store Customers, Harmonia Garden Customers, Polka Contest Contestants, 14th Street Parade Ensemble, Waiters and Court officials).
The Ideal Cast will be forty strong, with vocal ranges evenly split SATB. Dance ability: good movers to strong dancers.
Featured Dancers  - Strong dancers will be appropriately featured and selected from the audition movement workshop.
Musical Numbers are listed below and the Call Back material underlined for the BOLDED characters.
Act I
·         Prologue (Hello, Dolly!) – Orchestra
·         Call On Dolly – Ensemble
·         I Put My Hand In — Dolly
·         It Takes A Woman — Horace and the Men (call back song for Horace)
·         It Takes A Woman (Reprise) – Horace
·         Put On Your Sunday Clothes — Cornelius, Barnaby, Dolly, Ambrose, Ermengarde, and Ensemble (call back song for Cornelius, Minnie, Ambrose, Ermengarde)
·         Ribbons Down My Back — Irene (call back song for Irene)
·         Ribbons Down My Back (Reprise) – Irene
·         Motherhood March — Dolly, Irene, Minnie, and Horace
·         Dancing — Dolly, Cornelius, Barnaby, Irene, Minnie, and Dancers
·         Love, Look In My Window – Dolly*
·         Before the Parade Passes By — Dolly and the Company (call back song for Dolly)
·         Finale Act I: Before The Parade Passes By – Dolly
Act II
·         Entr'acte - Orchestra
·         Elegance — Cornelius, Barnaby, Irene, Minnie
·         The Waiters' Gallop — Rudolph and the Waiters
·         Hello, Dolly! — Dolly, Rudolph, Waiters, Cooks
·         The Waiters' Gallop (Reprise) - Rudolph and Waiters
·         The Polka Contest — Orchestra**
·         It Only Takes a Moment — Cornelius and Irene, Prisoners and Policeman (Call back song for Cornelius)
·         So Long, Dearie — Dolly
·         Finale Act II: Hello, Dolly! / Dancing / It Only Takes A Moment / Put On Your Sunday Clothes / Hello, Dolly! — The Company
Thank you for your interest in Clarkson Music Theatre’s Hello, Dolly!!
See you at Auditions!

Wednesday 14 January 2015

2015 is Clarkson Music Theatre’s Year to Celebrate!

Hello friends of Clarkson Music Theatre,
Thought we’d give you a heads up on special events offered by Clarkson Music Theatre to celebrate our 70th year of entertaining Mississauga.

First, we are pleased to announce the artistic team for our November production of Hello Dolly. We welcome Michael MacLennan as director / choreographer and Jenny Peace as Music Director. Producers are Rita Ferguson, Christine McMahon, Susan Wray Toogood and Donnie Morris (associate producer). To be a part of this great classic Broadway show, come to our Information Night May 13 at Christ Church. Auditions will be on May 25 and 26, with call backs May 28. More details will be posted mid-March. Hello Dolly runs at Meadowvale Theatre Nov.20 to 29, with a special Gala reception planned… stay tuned.

 Second, it’s not too late to sign up for either Jan.25 or Feb.1 to audition for the 70th Anniversary Concert, presented April 24 and 25 at Eden United Church, under the direction of Anthony Bastianon. Rehearsals begin March 4th and run Wednesdays and Fridays till we open. For more information you can contact us through our website, or book an audition with

Finally, hold the date! Clarkson Celebrates 70 Years. The CMT Community comes together on May 2nd to celebrate with a special evening of food and entertainment. Our venue – the original Christ Church – was where Clarkson Music Theatre began 70 years ago, and we thought it more than fitting to return to our roots, and to highlight some of our achievements in an evening filled with friends, memorabilia, a light repast, and special entertainment from some of Clarkson’s favourite entertainers. Watch out for your invitation arriving in March. Tickets are $30 and seating is limited. Come back to Clarkson for this special event.

Thus 2015 truly is a Happy New Year for CMT!  We look forward to the opportunity to continue to serve our community through charitable donations, to welcome both new comers and old friends to our upcoming events, and to our on-going tradition of entertaining Mississauga as we have done for the past seventy years.  Thank You to all who have made this journey possible and who continue to support us in what we do!  Happy New Year all!!!