Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year Greeting from your President

Dear CMT members,
its almost 2013,where did 2012 go? I hope it was a good year for you.  CMT had a very good year. From our spring concert, to "Mame" and also the Christmas choir, we pleased audiences of every age with our shows. Congratulations to our directorial teams and to all of you who took part in the shows. 

Bingo was a big success this year and a  huge thank you goes to all who worked at our fundraising. 2013 promises to be a big year for bingo with many exciting changes happening in May. Don't forget to call Ruth at 905 828 9117 to sign up for your bingo.

Thanks to the Carney family who hosted our wine and cheese party in their lovely home. A fun night was had by all. We look forward to 2013 and two exciting shows waiting in the wings.
I want to wish you all a very Happy and healthy 2013 with every blessing. Thank you for being a part of CMT. 

Happy New Year and all the very best for 2013.

Rita Ferguson
President of Clarkson Music Theatre Inc

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Clarkson Music Theatre wishes each and every one of you, past and present members of CMT and its loyal audience, a joyous song-filled Christmas and Holiday Season. We look forward to sharing memories of 2012 at the Carney CMT Open House on Dec.29th. We look forward to starting practices on January 2nd for our Spring Concert "To Hollywood, Love Broadway" (under Bob Hardinge's musical direction), and we can't wait for our May 8th Info Night at Christ Church for our Fall Show  - which we are not "Legally" allowed to announce till June - under the amazing director / choreography leadership of Renee Beiforte and Jenny Peace (Music Director).  Here's to an upcoming season as wonderful as the last! Deck the Halls!

Saturday 15 December 2012

Clarkson Sings Christmas

Singing at Sunrise Senior Centre with Eleanor Crisell accompanying

Ruth McDonald greets the seniors at our sing a long concert.

Elvis (Roger Warren) has a "Blue Christmas"

Come hear those Sleigh Bells ring-a-ling (with Liz Allan - producer)

We love to sing about Christmas!

Thank you to those Clarkson Music Theatre members who, under the direction of Ruth McDonald, and with the accompaniment of Eleanor Crisell and the production leadership of Liz Allan, have made beautiful music throughout December at  Retirement Homes in the Mississauga Area. Your program was absolutely lovely and your performance wonderful. The Christmas music seemed to refocus what this Season should be about. It was so moving to hear your voices lifted in song. You have all been so generous with your music as you've spread your gift of song to our grateful Senior Centres in the area. Thank you for bringing the gift of music to your many fans in the Mississauga area. We look forward to many of these same voices coming together for our next project - "To Hollywood, Love Broadway". Rehearsals start on January 2nd at Christ Church. Please contact if you have not yet reserved your spot in the ensemble. In the meantime, best of the season, and we hope to see you at Clarkson's Wine and Cheese, hosted by Leslie Carney on Black Walnut Drive.

Sunday 2 December 2012

Danny Harvey (director), Leslie Carney (Mame) at the Cast Party
The Mame Cast Party was the scene of Clarkies, dancing, singing, memories and a few nostalgic tears. Mame has been a production to remember!  Thank you again to all who made "Mame" a reality.

If you haven't signed up for an audition for our next event, "To Hollywood, Love Broadway" - from stage to screen - please email  for an audition slot. Rehearsals start January 2nd with lots of music for the ensemble! Bob Hardinge music director. Please email to register for the ensemble.

The Clarkson Music Theatre Christmas Open House will be hosted by Leslie Carney at 7378 Black Walnut Trail at 7:30 p.m. Hope to see you there.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Congratulations to the amazing Cast, Crew and Team of MAME! We are so proud of this wonderful production, which has garnered emails and phone calls acknowledging the quality and message of this show. Huge kudos to the Artistic team - Danny Harvey, Julie Gallie and Bob Hardinge, and particular praise to our own Mame Dennis - Leslie Carney - who carried the show with grace, talent, generosity and joy. The MTM Producers' Awards were awarded on closing night for Ticket Sales to Leslie Carney, Joanne Hines, Bob Price and Chris Filippelli for selling more than three hundred tickets (almost a full audience!). Emily Paveling and Joanne Hines were recognized for their first appearance on stage. And the entire cast was awarded the Hurricane Sandy Award for their commitment to rehearsal during the gale force winds/ loss of power; Elizabeth Stinson took home this award for the cast.
MTM Award for Ticket Sales for Mame (Joanne Hines, Barb Price, Leslie Carney, Chris Filippelli)
presented by  Producers Rita Ferguson and Christine McMahon

MTM Award for First Time on Stage presented to Emily Paveling, Joanne Hines
presented by Rita Ferguson and Christine McMahon (producers)

Further news:
Spring Concert Auditions:
Please sign up for an Audition for a featured role in our upcoming Spring Concert - "To Hollywood, Love Broadway" (THLB). Auditions are at Christ Church - 1700 Mazo Cres - on December 5th; Email for your audition time. The Concert rehearses every Wednesday  (except for March Break). THLB goes up at Eden United Church on May 4 and 5.  If you wish to be in the ensemble, please advise or to ensure we have music ready for your first rehearsal on January 2nd.

Christmas Social
If you need a little Christmas, mark your calendars to come to CMT's Annual Christmas Open House - hosted by our own Mame - Leslie Carney - on Saturday Dec.29th at 7:30 p.m. 7378 Black Walnut Trail MississaugaON

Sunday 18 November 2012

Mame had a smashing opening weekend. Our sensational musical was reviewed by the Ontario Arts Review (Danny Gaisin) and by Riveting Rifts (Joe Montague)  Hope you enjoy the reviews. Please be sure to get your tickets. Only one more weekend left of incredible entertainment...

Friday 16 November 2012

It's a miracle isn't it? Opening Night for Mame was a huge success!  Mame is definitely the feel good musical of the season. And when we have the privilege of having Leslie Carney in the starring role, it gets even better! To the cast - there were so many fabulous moments... can't and won't name any cause we loved each and every moment. To those of you who fulfilled a lifelong dream of being on stage - this one was for you. We all share in the wonder of that first step on stage, so thanks for sharing that with us. To our crew - Glenn, Susan, Denise, Debbie, Dan, Chris, Paige, Izabella, Thalucy, Bruce, Chris, Rhonda, Melissa, Heather, Mary Lynn, Rob, Sean, Greg, Bob, Robin, Orchestra, staff of Meadowvale Theatre and many more!- Do you get the idea that there's lots of unsung heroes who take our backs and make us look good? You are the stars tonight! And to the artistic and design team that put this together - Thanks from a grateful company. We've enjoyed the guidance, never ending laughter, skill, patience, creativity that you brought to Mame. Hope you all come out to see this wonderful show... come again and again cause it's worth it!!!


Clarkson Music Theatre proudly invites you to our Opening Night Performance of MAME at Meadowvale Theatre. Our remarkable cast includes Leslie Carney as Mame, Mackenzie Faulkner as Young Patrick, Chris Waldron as Older Patrick, Christine McMahon as Vera, Katie Westrope as Agnes Gooch, Don Berns as Babcock, Derek Faulconer as Beauregard. Wait till you see our Moon Lady! Sing with us as we serenade you with "Mame" - we got the banjoes strumming... Cause we need a little Christmas! Get your tickets at www. today!!!

Thursday 8 November 2012

As Clarkson Music Theatre gets ready to move into Meadowvale Theatre for its production of MAME, it's time to let you know we are indeed feeling "a little Christmas". CMT will proudly present its Christmas concert to a number of facilities, including The Post Inn, Sheridan Villa, The Wenleigh, Peel Alzheimer, Senior Life Enhancement Centre, Sun Rise Erin Mills, Evergreen, and Erin Mills Lodge through the month of December.  It's also time to get in the spirit of giving. To that end, Clarkson Music Theatre, a charitable non-profit community theatre group, donates over $5,000 annually to its favourite charities, including: Credit Valley Hospital, Jerry Love Foundation, Wellspring, Ian Anderson House, Interim Place and the Red Cross New York Relief Fund.  We are indeed grateful to all our members who allow us to fulfil our mandate to enrich our community, both culturally and financially. We all "need a little angel sitting on our shoulder... need a little Christmas now". Looking forward to seeing you all Nov.16 to 25 at Meadowvale for Mame...
Have you got your tickets yet?

Elizabeth Stinson, Leslie Carney and Bobbie Flatt

Laura Carney and Melanie Baril

The lovely Moon Choir: Elizabeth, Barb, Joanne, Theresa, Guida, Karen and Laura

Moon Ladies Christine McMahon and Leslie Carney

"It's Today" Rita Ferguson 

Mackenzie Faulkner is Patrick

Wednesday 31 October 2012

From Gooch to Glamour, MAME has it all... Have you got your tickets yet?

Monday 29 October 2012

Clarkson Music Theatre proudly presents "Mame" at Meadowvale Theatre, Nov.16 - 25. Have you got your tickets yet? Just three weeks to opening. Costume Parade is this Tuesday. We'll look absolutely fabulous. Don't miss this event! We're so excited to show you this "sensational" show. Go to to get your tickets.

On another note, this is a heads-up that our Spring Concert "To Hollywood, Love Broadway" will be presented at Eden United Church in May under the musical direction of Bob Hardinge. If you wish to Audition for a featured performance, please prepare a song of your choice that has been both on Broadway's stage and in a movie - from stage to screen. Auditions will be on December 5th at Christ  Church - 1700 Mazo Crescent - from 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.  You may sign up for your audition with Rita Ferguson at after November 1st.  

We hope to see you soon...

Sunday 30 September 2012

Jerry Love dropped in to say "hi" at one of Clarkson Music Theatre's rehearsals - for MAME!  He wished us luck before our gig at the Sky Dome to sing the Anthem. We are still thrilled by the positive reception we received... Can't wait for another opportunity.

In the meantime, have you got YOUR tickets yet for Mame?  This one will be amazing! Our own lovely Leslie Carney is the perfect Mame. You will absolutely love her performance, as well as that of our other wonderful cast.  Go to to get your tickets today!

Monday 24 September 2012

Forty very enthusiastic singers from Clarkson Music Theatre sang the National Anthems - and we got the words right! - at the Sky Dome on September 16, 2012. We stayed to watch the game and of course, our Jays won against the Red Sox!  Plans are in the works to sing again at the Rogers Dome - this time for the Argo's - on October 19th.  Participants from our last "gig" have been contacted and hopefully, you can tune in to see our smiling faces once again, as we belt out "Oh Say Can you See?" and finish with "Oh Canada!"

Saturday 15 September 2012

Hi Clarkson Members. This is just a reminder that if you're going to the Jays Game this weekend, Sept.16, be sure to take in Clarkson Music Theatre as we sing the National Anthems at 12:50 before the game. We are very excited to have been chosen by the Gerry Love foundation in honour of Mississauga Day at the Dome.

On another note, our membership year starts in September, so memberships are now due. Please send your cheques to our mailbox. Membership is $30 for single members, and $40 for family membership. Send your cheque made out to Clarkson Music Theatre to: Clarkson Music Theatre Inc, Churchill Pharmacy Postal Outlet, Churchill Plaza, Box 26007, Mississauga, L5L5S3.

Mame rehearsals are up and running and we look forward to a great show. Be sure to get your tickets soon. They are available now at If you are interested in putting an ad in the program, please contact us through this email address...Also, our choir has started its Monday rehearsals for its Christmas concert, to be presented to senior centres in December.  Rehearsals are at Christ Church under the direction of Ruth McDonald. There is still time to come out so we hope to see you this Monday.

Finally, if you haven't done so, get added to Clarkson's Blog. It's an easy way to get updates as they are posted. Just follow the easy directions.

Thanks for your ongoing interest in Clarkson Music Theatre!

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Hi Clarkson Members. Just a note to remind you that CMT will present a Christmas Concert  once again this year under the direction of Ruth McDonald. Rehearsals begin September 10 at Christ Church 1700 Mazo Cres. in the Sanctuary uptstairs. Please bring a black binder to hold your music as well as your $30 membership (Single) or $40 membership (family). The choir will rehearse Mondays from 7:30 to 10:30. Like last year, we hope to present the concert at several Senior centres in the Mississauga area. Also, please complete the Profile form from the website's download site, which has been updated in accordance with Ontario Privacy laws. 

We look forward to getting together once again. if you know of individuals who would like to join CMTin this project, please email Ruth McDonald to arrange an audition to become a member of Clarkson Music Theatre.

On another "note", rehearsals for Mame have begun. Our cast of 36 is excited to get started on this fun musical. Our dynamic team of Danny Harvey, Bob Hardinge and Julie Gallie have made our first rehearsals a blast!  Be sure to get your tickets now, cause this promises to be a great show!

We are pleased to announce that our spring concert has a name: 
"To Hollywood, Love Broadway"
Directed by Bob Hardinge
Produced by Rita Ferguson and Christine McMahon
Eden United Church
May 2013
More details will follow...

Saturday 23 June 2012

Membership Dues, 70th Anniversary, Mame Schedule, Christmas Concert

                         Membership Fees are Due:
This is just a reminder that your membership fees are due on or before Sept.1st. You may mail your cheque (made out to “Clarkson Music Theatre”) for your single membership ($30) or family membership ($40). The Clarkson address is listed below:
Clarkson Music Theatre Inc,
Churchill Pharmacy Postal Outlet
Churchill Plaza, Box 26007
Mississauga, Ontario, L5L 5S3

If you are coming out for Mame or The Christmas Concert, you may make your payment at your first rehearsal when you pick up your music material.

If your contact info has changed, please download a blank “Membership Profile” from the red “DOWNLOAD FORMS” section of the website and return with your membership payment.

Clarkson is Almost 70 Years Old!

It’s almost time to start thinking about celebrating our amazing 70 years of Music Theatre Achievement. If you would like to be a part of the 70th Anniversary CMT Organization Committee, please contact us using the button on the website.

Mame Cast members can expect to receive their rehearsal schedules sometime in late July. We look forward to working with our dynamic Artistic Team: Danny Harvey, Bob Hardinge, and Julie Gallie.  See you at our first rehearsal, August 20th at Christ Church.

Yes, the rumours are true… Clarkson is pleased to bring back “The Christmas Concert”, under the able music direction of our own Ruth McDonald.  As you know, CMT is pleased to offer this free concert at several Senior Centres in the Mississauga Community.  So, if you aren’t in Mame, are itching to keep singing Music, are attracted by the easy rehearsal commitment of just once a week, then this is the concert for you.  Stay tuned for more news on when Fall Practice begins.

Thursday 21 June 2012

CMT AGM June 20, 2012

Elizabeth Amos receives the Clarkson Performing Arts Award

 The Annual Clarkson Music Theatre Scholarship for the Performing Arts was presented to Elizabeth Amos.  Elizabeth’s experience on stage began when she was ten in Annie and she was seen most recently as Belle in Beauty and the Beast. She is a worthy recipient of the award as demonstrated in the following highlights: she is involved in classical music; has her Grade 8 RCM; she was a Silver Medalist for the highest mark in Ontario; she has taught music; she directs at summer children’s music theatre camp; and she graduated with honours from Cawthra Park School of the Arts. The winner of this year’s Scott Sheperd Emerging Artist, she continues to seek opportunities to improve her skills in the performing arts. We wish her luck in her future studies at Brock University as she continues her study of drama.
This year has been filled with highlights for Clarkson, with financially successful and well received productions of Hairspray, Broadway Then and Now, the Annual Christmas Concert. We look forward to continued success with this year’s production of Mame. We also are pleased to announce our 2013 show selection – the Meadowvale Premiere of “Legally Blonde”.

Margo Timmons, Leslie Carney, Rita Ferguson, Judy Manley at the AGM

Rita Ferguson was pleased to recognize the following for their work this year with Clarkson: Leslie Carney, Judy Manley, Ruth McDonald, Margo Timmons and Jack Travis.  CMT owes a debt of gratitude to volunteers such as these listed.

The following board directors were elected by acclamation: Rita Ferguson (returning President), Christine McMahon (VP Production), Susan Wray (VP Finance), Nick Forrow (VP Administration).  Chris Waldron was welcomed as VP Marketing. Remaining Board Directors include: Dennis Sunga (Treasurer)and Chris Filippelli (Secretary), Jenny Peace (Resident Music Director, Margo Timmons (Fundraising), Jim Allan (member at large).

In conclusion, Clarkson Music Theatre continues to successfully create quality performance while giving back to the community. With the help of our loyal audience and our faithful membership, we look forward to another banner year in this, our sixty seventh year of entertaining Mississauga.

Thursday 14 June 2012


November 16, 17, 22, 23, 24 @ 8 p.m.
November 18, 24, 25 @ 2 p.m. 2012 
at Meadowvale Theatre

                                  Rita Ferguson, Christine McMahon, Jenny Peace

                                  Artistic Team           
Danny Harvey                     
Music Director: Bob Hardinge 
Choreographer: Julie Gallie               
Stage Manager: Glenn Pringle 

Design Team           
Set Design: Bruce Brown
Costumes: Alex Amini
Lights: Tristan Tidswell
Sound: Greg Salisbury 
Rehearsal Pianist: Robin Dalgleish 
Props: Chris Filippelli, Karen Simpson,  Rhonda Keyes

The Production Team proudly announces the Cast of Mame.  
Our Cast of 40 actors includes these principals:
Young Patrick
Mackenzie Faulkner
Agnes Gooch
Katie Westrope
Christine McMahon
Mame Dennis
Leslie Carney
Mark Jones
Dwight Babcock
Don Berns
Madame Branislowski, Mother Burnside
Bobbie Flatt
Derek Falconer
Mother Burnside
Bobbbie Flatt
Sally Cato
Elizabeth Stinson
Older Patrick
Chris Waldron
Mrs. Upson
Rita Ferguson
Mr. Upson
Paul Berdusco
Gloria Upson
Daniela Lipovetzky
Pegeen Ryan
Kat Cordi

"You came, you saw, you conquered, and absolutely nothing is the same. Your special fascination will prove to be inspirational, we think you're just sensational Mame..."

Sunday 1 April 2012

Upcoming Events:

Broadway: Then & Now 

Eden United Church

3051 Battleford Rd.

May 5th at 2pm and 7:30pm
May 6th at 7:30pm

$20 at the door


Wednesday 28 March 2012

Welcome to the Clarkson Music Theatre blog! Come visit us for all the updates on CMT's upcoming shows, auditions and events.