Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year Greeting from your President

Dear CMT members,
its almost 2013,where did 2012 go? I hope it was a good year for you.  CMT had a very good year. From our spring concert, to "Mame" and also the Christmas choir, we pleased audiences of every age with our shows. Congratulations to our directorial teams and to all of you who took part in the shows. 

Bingo was a big success this year and a  huge thank you goes to all who worked at our fundraising. 2013 promises to be a big year for bingo with many exciting changes happening in May. Don't forget to call Ruth at 905 828 9117 to sign up for your bingo.

Thanks to the Carney family who hosted our wine and cheese party in their lovely home. A fun night was had by all. We look forward to 2013 and two exciting shows waiting in the wings.
I want to wish you all a very Happy and healthy 2013 with every blessing. Thank you for being a part of CMT. 

Happy New Year and all the very best for 2013.

Rita Ferguson
President of Clarkson Music Theatre Inc

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