Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year Greeting from your President

Dear CMT members,
its almost 2013,where did 2012 go? I hope it was a good year for you.  CMT had a very good year. From our spring concert, to "Mame" and also the Christmas choir, we pleased audiences of every age with our shows. Congratulations to our directorial teams and to all of you who took part in the shows. 

Bingo was a big success this year and a  huge thank you goes to all who worked at our fundraising. 2013 promises to be a big year for bingo with many exciting changes happening in May. Don't forget to call Ruth at 905 828 9117 to sign up for your bingo.

Thanks to the Carney family who hosted our wine and cheese party in their lovely home. A fun night was had by all. We look forward to 2013 and two exciting shows waiting in the wings.
I want to wish you all a very Happy and healthy 2013 with every blessing. Thank you for being a part of CMT. 

Happy New Year and all the very best for 2013.

Rita Ferguson
President of Clarkson Music Theatre Inc

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Clarkson Music Theatre wishes each and every one of you, past and present members of CMT and its loyal audience, a joyous song-filled Christmas and Holiday Season. We look forward to sharing memories of 2012 at the Carney CMT Open House on Dec.29th. We look forward to starting practices on January 2nd for our Spring Concert "To Hollywood, Love Broadway" (under Bob Hardinge's musical direction), and we can't wait for our May 8th Info Night at Christ Church for our Fall Show  - which we are not "Legally" allowed to announce till June - under the amazing director / choreography leadership of Renee Beiforte and Jenny Peace (Music Director).  Here's to an upcoming season as wonderful as the last! Deck the Halls!

Saturday 15 December 2012

Clarkson Sings Christmas

Singing at Sunrise Senior Centre with Eleanor Crisell accompanying

Ruth McDonald greets the seniors at our sing a long concert.

Elvis (Roger Warren) has a "Blue Christmas"

Come hear those Sleigh Bells ring-a-ling (with Liz Allan - producer)

We love to sing about Christmas!

Thank you to those Clarkson Music Theatre members who, under the direction of Ruth McDonald, and with the accompaniment of Eleanor Crisell and the production leadership of Liz Allan, have made beautiful music throughout December at  Retirement Homes in the Mississauga Area. Your program was absolutely lovely and your performance wonderful. The Christmas music seemed to refocus what this Season should be about. It was so moving to hear your voices lifted in song. You have all been so generous with your music as you've spread your gift of song to our grateful Senior Centres in the area. Thank you for bringing the gift of music to your many fans in the Mississauga area. We look forward to many of these same voices coming together for our next project - "To Hollywood, Love Broadway". Rehearsals start on January 2nd at Christ Church. Please contact if you have not yet reserved your spot in the ensemble. In the meantime, best of the season, and we hope to see you at Clarkson's Wine and Cheese, hosted by Leslie Carney on Black Walnut Drive.

Sunday 2 December 2012

Danny Harvey (director), Leslie Carney (Mame) at the Cast Party
The Mame Cast Party was the scene of Clarkies, dancing, singing, memories and a few nostalgic tears. Mame has been a production to remember!  Thank you again to all who made "Mame" a reality.

If you haven't signed up for an audition for our next event, "To Hollywood, Love Broadway" - from stage to screen - please email  for an audition slot. Rehearsals start January 2nd with lots of music for the ensemble! Bob Hardinge music director. Please email to register for the ensemble.

The Clarkson Music Theatre Christmas Open House will be hosted by Leslie Carney at 7378 Black Walnut Trail at 7:30 p.m. Hope to see you there.