Tuesday 18 June 2013

Report from your AGM June 2013

Thanks to those who came out to our Annual General Meeting which was held on June 17th at Christ Church. Here's some highlights:

  • CMT was pleased to honour Brittni Kenny with our second annual Performing Arts Scholarship. Brittni is an honours student, with special skills in dance, performance and vocals. She has performed extensively both at Cawthra School of Performing Arts and in other venues. We wish her well as she goes on to study performing arts at Sheridan's Music Theatre Program. Congratulations Brittni.
Brittni Kenny receives the Performance Art Scholarship from the CMT Board (from left - Dennis Sunga, Rita Ferguson, Brittni Kenny, Chris Filippelli, Nick Forrow, Christine McMahon, Chris Waldron, Jenny Peace)

Brittni and her proud parents
  • Lifetime Membership was awarded to Pat Mack and Joyce Forth who have been members of Clarkson for twenty five years. Their loyalty was rewarded at the AGM with plaques and a gift, awarded by their fellow Lifetime Members - Ruth McDonald and Liz Allan.
Our Newest Lifetime Members - Pat Mack and Joyce Forth
(from left - Eleanor Crisell, Jane Simser, Bill Cook, Pat Mack, Joyce Forth, Liz Allan, Jim Allan, Ruth McDonald)
  • A change to the Bi-Laws was successfully proposed and accepted by the membership. This will better facilitate Mississauga city's requirements regarding the timing of our audited financials, our membership lists, etc. Henceforth, our Annual General Meeting will be held in and around the month of September.
  • A Membership Karaoke Social is planned for July 26th at the Irish Club. Please RSVP your intention to attend to christinemcm@gmail.com so that we can confirm numbers and go ahead with this event. RSVP by July 1st.
  • Thanks to Jack Travis who worked so hard on the program for "To Hollywood, Love Broadway"
    Rita Ferguson (president) thanks Jack Travis for his work on our program for "To Hollywood, Love Broadway"

    Thanks to all for attending the AGM. See you at the social!

Monday 10 June 2013

LEGALLY BLONDE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like, OMG you guys! We are feeling seriously better, cause we can unveil our fall show....

Clarkson Music Theatre is both pleased and proud to finally officially and unequivocally announce the title of our Fall show: LEGALLY BLONDE, THE MUSICAL. Who would have thought? Presented at Meadowvale Theatre, November 15 - 24 / 2013. Go to mtix.ca to get your tickets!

Congrats to our amazing and gifted cast:

Legally Blonde Cast List

Emilie  Westbrook

Elle Woods
Nick Petroff

Warner Huntington III
Neil Salinas

Emmett Richmond
Heidi Cyfko

Paulette Bonafonte
Raylin Marcotte

Margot (Greek Chorus)
Melody Robinet

Pilar (Greek Chorus)
Monica Szustakowski

Serena (Greek Chorus)
Derek Faulconer

Professor Callahan
Alana Bostock

Vivienne Kensington
Ray Chaaya

Kyle (UPS guy)
Alysson M. Bradley

Brooke Wyndham , Store Manager
Erica Miceli

Enid Hoopes

Stephanie Birtig

Delta Nu 1
Laura Carney

Delta Nu 2, Sales Staff
Stacey Feggans

Delta Nu 3
Meaghan Lugsdin

Delta Nu 4/ Kate
Laura Moniz

Delta Nu 5
Emily Norman

Delta Nu 6
Laura Parker

Delta Nu 7, DA Joyce Riley
Cecily Restivo-Petroff
Delta Nu 8/ Chutney
Kristina Testa
Delta Nu 9, Hair Affair Cashier
Bruiser – Elle’s dog

Chris Waldron

Frat boy / Carlos
Matt Willis

Frat Boy, Grandmaster Chad, Lowell
Mark Jones

Frat Boy, Padamadan, Nikos
Martin Van Helden

Frat Boy, Pfeizheimmer
Dylan Roose

Frat Boy
Erik Noesgaard

Frat Boy, Aaron

Kevin Roose

Male Chorus, prison guard, bailiff
Dennis Sunga

Male Chorus, prison guard, court official
Doug Feggans

Male Chorus / Elle’s Dad
Paul Berdusco

 Male Chorus , TV Reporter
Tim Clahane

Male Chorus
Danny Harvey

Male Chorus, Dewey, Wynthrop

Laura Wilde

Female Chorus, Sales staff
Leslie Carney

Female Chorus / Elle’s Mom, Saleswoman
Christine McMahon

Female Chorus, Judge
Rita Ferguson

Female chorus, Kiki the Colorist, Stenographer

Monday 3 June 2013

CMT AGM June 17 Room 23 / Casting the Fall Show

Greetings CMT friends and members. This is a last reminder for you to attend the Annual General Meeting held at Christ Church on June 17th at 7:30 in Room 23. We will be voting to move the date of our AGM from June to September in the future (in order to better meet some of the requirements laid out by the City of Mississauga regarding charitable status etc.). Also, we will be honouring our newest lifetime achievement members, awarding the winner of Clarkson's Annual Performing Arts Scholarship, appointing members to the CMT Board and celebrating this extraordinary year!

We are thrilled by the sheer talent that came out to audition for our fall show. Thanks to all those involved in this momentous undertaking. This cast will blow you away! - even our very sweet pooches who came out to audition! Our title can Legally be identified in just a few more days. Check out our website on June 10 for this announcement and for the notification of our amazing cast!