Monday 3 June 2013

CMT AGM June 17 Room 23 / Casting the Fall Show

Greetings CMT friends and members. This is a last reminder for you to attend the Annual General Meeting held at Christ Church on June 17th at 7:30 in Room 23. We will be voting to move the date of our AGM from June to September in the future (in order to better meet some of the requirements laid out by the City of Mississauga regarding charitable status etc.). Also, we will be honouring our newest lifetime achievement members, awarding the winner of Clarkson's Annual Performing Arts Scholarship, appointing members to the CMT Board and celebrating this extraordinary year!

We are thrilled by the sheer talent that came out to audition for our fall show. Thanks to all those involved in this momentous undertaking. This cast will blow you away! - even our very sweet pooches who came out to audition! Our title can Legally be identified in just a few more days. Check out our website on June 10 for this announcement and for the notification of our amazing cast!

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